Blackwater Creek - the endgame (contains spoilers) System: Call of Cthulhu Scenario – Blackwater Creek Played on: RPG Nook Discord server / VTT Roll20 For preparation information and first session see earlier blog entries. We opened the next session with the investigators stuck on a road. Its 9pm at night they are surrounded by the bodies and gun smoke of their shoot out with the farmers (some may say murderous rampage). Safe to say the first session had taken an unexpectedly severe turn. My planned roughing up of the investigators to give them the impression that this place was generally unwelcoming had turned into a shoot out that had left one of the investigators (Nathan) with a few less SAN points while killing the three farmers (including a crit at short range with a 12g shotgun) – two heads blown off and one gutted by gun fire. Nelson was covered in head matter and brains as he had been standing close to one of the farmers that...
A blog about roleplaying and fantasy RPGs. Some ideas and analysis of scenarios i play and run.