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Showing posts from September, 2022

A Tableau of Red – a lesson in unfinished art…(spoilers!)

System: Call of Cthulhu (modern) - A Tableau of Red Played on: RPG Nook Discord and Roll20 Players: Yeti / Orf / Speed / Newman / Hedge / Jeremy A I remember having an argument with my daughter when she was choosing her options at school.  She wanted to do ‘art’ and as parents we thought she should do something more academic.  However, she got her way (as she does with most things :>), completed two years of artwork (we even went to the Lake District so she could take photos of herself in a lake for her final project!) and came out with an A.  as I tell everyone who will listen, if you do something do the best you possibly can and don’t create excuses for yourself or listen to those who think they know better than you (although she did drop art after leaving school as it wasn’t what she hoped it would be…so I was right in the end…lol).  What has this to do with a scenario by Helen Yau for Call of Cthulhu?  Well first of all the story is based around a bunch ...