Ah yes, Innsmouth, kind of like Skegness but with even more buggy eyed people (don’t shoot the messenger :>), or maybe Blackpool but without the stags and hens, more fish and squid. Either way something fishy is going on when we consider Innsmouth. Luckily for me I didn’t have to travel to remote parts of Massachusetts to experience it as The Innsmouth LiteraryFestival was being held up the road from where I live in deepest darkest Bedfordshire. It was remarkable really, you go years without a sniff and everything being in ‘that there London’, and all of sudden this festival pops up. I got in touch with the organisers ( Innsmouth Gold ) a few months ago and said if they needed any help I’d be happy to lend my time (not sanity of course). Turns out one of the duo that is Innsmouth Gold plays RPGs and so I invited him to the gaming club I attend (Bedford Gladiators) on a Monday night, and before you know it his character was confronting the mythos before you could say ‘cthulhu...
A blog about roleplaying and fantasy RPGs. Some ideas and analysis of scenarios i play and run.