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'Fall Out' a Call of Cthulhu scenario - Keepers perspective (Spoilers, Spoilers and more Spoilers)

Played on RPG Nook Discord Server
VTT used was Roll20
Players: Foxkitty / Hedge / Orf / Cosmic
Keeper: Stef1885

This review contains SPOILERS!

When I hear ‘Fall Out’ two items immediately spring to mind.  The first is the scariest BBC programme I ever saw, Threads, and the second is ‘Omnicide’, a term from the book ‘The Doomsday Machine – confessions of a nuclear war planner’. Maybe it’s just me and my age but growing up in the 80s the threat of nuclear war seemed ever present and I couldn’t stop worrying about the few mins we’d have to react if missiles were launched from soviet subs off of the coast…..Fortunately the Fall Out scenario written by Paul Fricker of The Good Friends of Jackson Elias (TGFoJE) podcast has nothing at all to do with nuclear warfare and total annihilation of the human race, so after getting over the initial shock of the title I could read on and prepare without any of my teenage fear.  It does however have a lot to do with a crazy cult, time travel and a hostage.

The scenario appears in TGFoJE fanzine – The Blasphemous Tome.  It appeared in Tome 4.5 back in 2019.  I have been working my way through the scenarios appearing in the Tome and have so far ran Murdershack, The Blue and Of This Men Shall Know Nothing. 

My initial reading of Fall Out (set in the modern day) was that it was going to be a real hoot to run and play.  The premise is that a cult leader in 1970 managed to escape a police raid on their HQ by escaping into the future.  The day of the future has arrived, and the house is having some issues with the time changing rifts that are occurring in advance of the cult leader reappearing 49 years later.

The scenario has two neat ideas that are used during play.  The first is a description of several events that occur after the investigators enter the house.  These can occur randomly via dice rolls, or you can pick and choose depending on the state of play.  Most of the events are glimpses of events that happened during the Police raid in 1970, and include amputated legs, a policeman from the 1970s appearing, and the worst horror of all – the appearance of 1970s style wallpaper! Some of the events are from the modern day, including an earth mother type group of believers that arrive with the dreaded tambourines and bongos and start singing and basically being a nuisance. 

The other fun idea is that an investigator can get possessed by the leader of the cult via a POW roll.  Being possessed means giving the player a handout with a description of a mission which involves ensuring the altar located in the house is ready for use, mainly by removing the life size golden statue of Elvis that is on top of it.  The possessed investigator is ‘all shook up’ and probably has a ‘suspicious mind(s)’ but I digress.  I thought this dynamic was interesting and a very good way to get some interesting scenes with the investigators into the scenario.


The scenario is a relatively simple premise designed for one shot play.  So, on the face of it there didn’t appear to be too much to prepare.  However, depending on how much you want to set up in the game you can spend a few hours getting things ready.  For example, I played this via Roll20 so had to transfer various items into the VTT.  This also gives the opportunity to provide some visuals for some of the items and locations.  Imagine my delight when I found out there was an actual life-sized golden Elvis statue for sale and with an associated suitable pic I could use (if anyone is interested it is on offer at the moment for $768.90, I mean that’s probably less than I spent on KS over the last year….).  Handily the map of the house is provided in the pdf of the scenario so it can be quite easily added to Roll20.  I kept all three floors on one page to avoid the hassle of moving ‘players’ between pages on Roll20 when they inevitably split up, I just used fog of war as best as possible to try and provide some mystery of the house and the various floors as the players went through it.

I devised a timeline for the scenario as there isn’t one explicitly written in the scenario, although it is easy enough to pull one together from the info given:


The scenario suggests two approaches for the investigators, either a team of Police / law enforcement or a criminal gang.  Having passed on the option of playing Blackwater Creek with a bootleg gang, I thought it would be interesting to offer pregens who are in a criminal gang.  I prepared four pregens using The Dholes House, then added them to the relevant Cthulhu character sheet on Roll20.  To add some flavour to the pregens (and later all the NPCs) all the portraits were pics of famous actors.

Petra Stevens – a lawyer working for a crime gang

Luther Dailly – a computer expert and hacker type

Sammy Lawrence – counterfeiter

Larry ‘the dog’ Davison – the muscle with a chainsaw……(I mean why not right?)

The main challenge for the handouts was the house – the map in the scenario is a large three-story house, but as you’d expect little written info is given on the details of the individual rooms in the house.  In the end rather than having detailed descriptions of individual rooms I focused on a few key areas that had some importance in the house, including the external area of the house, locations of the hostages, the Elvis statue, the main protagonist’s office (the library), the kitchen and the stairwell and atrium.

The selling point for asking players to sign up to play was as follows:

Premise: Your gang is on the verge of making some deals that could propel you from the small time to the big-time baby!  One small issue - the big boss who can give you access to the big leagues has asked that you do him a ‘favour’ to prove yourself.  Someone has taken it upon themselves to kidnap one of his call girls and is holding her in a house in Massachusetts.   The big boss has asked your gang to go and rescue his girl and take the necessary action against the fool who has done this.  It goes without saying that he doesn’t want the local police or feds involved…………….

The session

As the Keeper there were quite a few things to keep an eye on while trying to ensure the story progressed at a reasonable pace and with the correct amount of tension and scary ‘bits’.  This was far more of a challenge than I anticipated and I suspect I didn’t quite get the flow of the game right.  As a keeper it is good to reflect on the not so good as well as the good stuff to improve for future games! 

At the start the players are figuring out how to get into the house. They manged to find out info on the house and one of the background NPCs.  These handouts, which I reused from the scenario description, let the investigators know what was going on, maybe a bit too early in my opinion.  They mention a raid 49 years ago and the second handout mentions how the cult leader will become one with the goddess and reappear 49 years later.  In hindsight, I would have let them have one of the handouts rather before entering rather than both, as the core of the scenario seed is given away if those two handouts are given at the beginning of play.

While two of the investigators watched the house, Petra and Larry had a look around, to make this a meaningful exercise for the players I had them make spot hidden rolls to find evidence of a large object being moved from the forest towards the house (this was the stone altar slab mentioned in the scenario that now has the Elvis statue on it and is in the lobby of the house).  Then we had the tracking rolls to go back into the forest and find the clearing where the altar was placed originally back in 1970.  Both investigators had the standard 10%, of course one of them made it!  Good old Roll20.  I hadn’t planned anything further than they may find the clearing, but I wanted to make the check around the house to have some meaning to it, and I would deffo recommend including this if anyone else runs the scenario.  You could even add a bit more flavour to the scene by adding some more details – maybe some strange symbols, a skull or bones etc.

Eventually they decide to just knock on the front door.  Here was the other challenge - I couldn’t quite figure out the response of the main antagonist, Jonathan W.  In the end I opted for him to stay silent and hide upstairs initially, as he just wanted to carry on with his mission to commit he sacrifices.  After a few knocks on the door the investigators had succeeded in Listen checks and could hear footsteps in the house and had a glimpse of him looking out the 2nd floor window (the portrait I used was Steven Segal).  This is when the chainsaw came out, and they made short work of the front door.  No subtlety from these investigators!

After the investigators entered the house the scenario indicates the strange events start – in the end I included the horrific wallpaper, a policeman from the original radi in 1970 (TJ Hooker portrait pic!), the new age hippies arrived with their damned tambourines and bongos, a floating body in mid air and the Dark Young of Shub-Niggurath arrives on the 3rd floor.  There were also some hints of conversation between the cult leader and her second in command from 1970 about escaping by time travelling to the future.  I didn’t include a range of other events as I felt the scenario needed to progress quickly.  The session felt like it would get slowed down quite significantly if all the events were used and play wouldn’t be coherent with all the interruptions.

I added two items to the scenes in the house, one as a bit of an ‘in joke’ and the other to try and describe how Jonathan W. had botched the first sacrifice.  Luther went into the library, which I stated was Jonathan’s office to try and find any information and locate the main electronic security systems for the house.  He noticed the horrific wal’ paper taking over parts of the wall as the house was pulled between 1970 and the present day.  I described the area as being turned over and computer smashed etc.  In the scenario description Jonathan is said to be an employee of the American Dept. of Defence, so amongst the debris of the office there were some ‘Top secret’ marked files which included a brief summary of a ultra-secret agency called ‘Delta Green’.  I thought that was a nice cross over touch for the players.

The scenario has one of the hostages dead stabbed by a knife in the chest on the kitchen table.  It seemed possible to me that Jonathan had killed the first hostage and collected the blood in a saucepan.  He then went to the slab of rock he had placed the Elvis statue on (which he had manoeuvred into the house from the forest clearing) and tried to pour the blood onto the altar to give the altar the energy it needed.  Of course, the God speaking to Jonathan through the altar wants the body sacrificed on the altar with the blood freshly draining into the grooves of the strange carvings on the surface of the stone.  But at this point Jonathan doesn’t want to move his beloved Elvis statue, so in effect he has messed up the first sacrifice but intends to get it right with the next one.  So, when the players enter they see the statue and the stone slab it is on, and what looks like red paint splashed on the feet of Elvis as well as it running into the symbols etched into the stone altar surface.  There are also red paint footprints gong back towards the Kitchen, where the players then make the discovery of the dead body.

Petra found Jonathan upstairs and managed to persuade him to take her to the hostage she wanted to rescue for the Big Boss on the 3rd floor of the house.  A bit of a melee ensued before the Dark Young then turned up on the 3rd floor.  From their description the Dark Young can be 20 – 25 feet tall and basically large stomping trees, which weigh a lot.  When one of these arrives in the house it must have a pretty dramatic impact on the structure of the house right?  In the ensuing chaos Jonathan gets grabbed by the Dark Young, the hostage Petra is trying to rescue also gets grabbed and the Dark Young pretty much smashes through to the second level of the house taking out the walls and ceiling as it smashes its way around.  Petra shoots ineffectively at the tentacle holding the hostage but after a few rounds the Dark Young blinks back to 1970 and leaves the house and the hostage behind. 

Meanwhile Larry had a bit of a shootout with TJ Hooker (1970s cop – I know it was the 80s but I wanted to use The Shats portrait for the cop!), and ended up getting handcuffed.  The Dark Young then took the cop leaving Larry, Petra and the hostage to get down the stairs.

Downstairs Luther had been possessed as per the scenario handout.  As Larry came down the stairs he decided a good way to fulfil his objective was to push Larry up against the statue and then use the chainsaw to eviscerate Larry and spill his blood on the altar while also chopping down the statue from the sacred altar.  Unfortunately, the roll was not a success and he didn’t manage to direct the chainsaw towards Larry who managed to get off of the altar.

The end of the scenario was approaching so Clarissa the cult leader (Sissy Spacek) then appeared at the top of the stairwell, floating in mid air and turning this way and that in ecstasy.  At this point the possession of Luther ends (as per the scenario description).  The floor boards around the altar catch fire as Clarissa comes to the modern world.  The Elvis statue melts and the investigators make their getaway.  Larry gets out, Petra gets out because Luther pushes her through the open door.  Meanwhile the interior of the house is going back in time and Sammy and Luther are trapped and end up back in the forest near the clearing in 1970.  Luther gets caught by a large tentacle and lifted into oblivion, while Sammy makes it out and eventually has to live his life from 1970 onwards.

The players with PCs left alive then had some nice montages about what happened to their characters and that was the end.  Probably just over 2hours in total, so quite quick and pacy.

I like this scenario and recommend others to run it and see how they find it.  It is quite fast paced compared to most Cthulhu scenarios, with lots going on as soon as the players enter the house.  I would expect it to be a popular convention scenario for a keeper to run.  I did find it difficult to keep the pace going and I think there is a bit of an art to introducing the ‘events’ so they have maximum impact without it just being ‘oh look another 70s reference’.   Also, although the story leant itself to having the new age hippies turn up with their damned tambourines and bongos and singing it was hard to have them involved with the gameplay in a way that made sense in terms of the game.  I probably introduced these too early in the scenario, so if you do these as suggested in the scenario, I’d leave them till you feel you have the right moment or omit them completely.

Anyway that’s it for this instalment, TTFN and remember Parrying is for wimps! 


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