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WAR huh! – what is it good for………….

Threads and nightmares.........

It is pretty sure that if you meet someone of around my age that grew up in the 80s and they watched Threads, they will have been terrorised by the threat of nuclear Armageddon and had nightmares at least through their teens.  Think of all the crazy government fear mongering of recent times and multiply it by about 1000 to get a taste of what the apocalyptic doom that we were all subjected to felt like.  Threads is truly horrific – so for Christmas 2022 I finally plucked up courage and bought a copy of it for my wife.  She was equally traumatised by it.  We watched it again and I can say it is still terrifying. ..what has this to do with a blog about RPGs? 

Well obviously it’s my spurious lead into talking about my recent introduction to Free Leagues Twilight2000 that was updated and published a few years ago.  I actually had the original box set back in the 80s – part of my doomsday obsession with nuclear warfare involved reading books about how the two minute warning was a lie (it was more like 30 seconds if you took into account nuclear subs just off the coast) and Twilight2000 fell into that category at the time.  I don’t have that boxed set anymore but the new version looked great (as do all Free League games) so I thought I’d get it and relive some of those nightmares of a post WWIII world. 

War torn landscapes...

The game involves you being hardened soldiers or civilian survivors trying to stay alive in war torn Poland or Sweden (other countries are available).  The Russians and NATO forces have fought each other to a standstill, communications with superiors has broken down – you are on your own trying to survive. Nukes have been used (yikes), biological and chemical warfare has been unleashed.  Your aim is pretty much to just survive from day to day. 

This aspect is managed in gameplay by having to be very strict with rations, bullets, and other inventory items.  This is meant to drive the game forward – if you run out of rations what do you do?  Got no bullets left? Tough. This mechanic is central to the game if you are to play it with that nagging worry about where the next meal is coming from in a war torn area.  It sounds awfully dull, doesn’t it?  In the session I took part in we had to camp out for a few days and used up one ration each day.  As you only start with a few you do start to get a bit nervous, forage rolls have never been so stressful!

The game designers in the rules state that the game is designed to be player led.  Players are put in a situation, things happen and they react and deal with them making their progress towards a defined objective.  The objectives can be player driven or part of a larger arc in the story devised by the ref.  At certain times or due to certain situations the ref can draw random encounters from a pack of cards that give a situation and what unfolds will depend on the approach or attitude of the players.  I am really looking forward this as a approach to see how it works.  As a ref I could imagine it will take a bit of practice to respond to the players actions, but it is a intriguing concept.

Born to kill...

Character creation has two flavours – a short simple way that would be good for convention play and a more detailed approach where a character is created from childhood to adult hood.  You can be military or civilian and you can roll or pick different life paths related to social class, education, career, and tours of duty.  The military and civilian paths are different but equally compelling.  The game I was playing in was set in war torn Poland so I chose the military pathway – in the end my training resulted in me having the following specialities - Linguist (childhood) /Communication (Education 1st term) / Combat engineer (2nd term military) / Infiltrator (3rd term Spec Ops) / Front line leader (4th term Officer) / Rifleman (war breaks out).  These specialisms give your character bonuses to certain rolls and make it imperative that you have a team around you to make up for the skills you don’t have.  Hopefully in gameplay this will manifest as a group of players really working together and bonding much like you may well expect in this kind of high stress situation.

Each time you complete a part of your career there is a increasing chance that war breaks out at that point and character creation effectively stops. Character creation is relatively simple – even the long form method.  There is quite a bit of detail related to weapons and equipment.  This is because the encumbrance, which is pretty much ignored in many games, matters here.  You can only carry what you have the means to transport – be it a rucksack, pockets or a vehicle and you get penalised if you carry too much.

One of the challenging items for me as an English speaker is the place names.  So to try and keep it a little bit pragmatic I decided my character would be from the British Army in the Pathfinder division – so during play my lack of ability to pronounce eastern European place names wouldn’t be too out of place!  Luckily  the other players are German and Polish so they keep me in check and help me with the tongue twisters.

Into the fray...

As mentioned, I have only played one session so far and it was excellent – we didn’t even fire any shots!  That was surprising but we are behind enemy lines and nearly walked right into a Russian infantry division so probably best to keep those guns down and hold onto those bullets.  I got into it so much I started a ‘journal’ for my character describing what we had done during the session – I’ll post it here as well if you are interested.

I should also mention the use of Foundry for the game.  Roll20 doesn't have the game as part of its VT offering.  I have never used Foundry before and it was very good.  Having the rules and character sheets and everything to hand built into the VTT was a real advantage.  I don't know how feasible it is to play this game in Roll20 - something to think about for when I run the game in the future (and it seems more expense!).  

I get the impression that quite a few people bought the game via Kickstarter when it was released a few years ago and then didn’t really play it.  I understand why – it is quite crunchy compared to a lot of recent games, it emphasises some of the aspects of games that others gloss over or don’t bother with (keeping track of items, encumbrance etc), it’s potentially a depressing world to be gaming in, the rules can be intimidating in terms of the detail on different military vehicles, equipment and armaments and in the end its another game sitting on the shelf behind a load of others people already have and play.  I can see why people are put off but my limited experience of it so far suggests that these are perceptions - not reality in gameplay. If you have the game gathering (non radioactive) dust on the shelf, blow the dust off, open that box and have a good read and consider how much fun you could be having playing the game and creating your own post-apocalyptic story.

That's it for now, I’ll report more on my experience of playing Twilight2000 over the coming months…

Remember Parrying Is For Wimps!


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