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Games Expo 2023 - fun was had by all...except when the Hilton bar ran out of ale!

 It’s been a crazy few weeks – three weeks ago the household was laid up with a ‘virus of unknown origin (yeah right…)’, two weeks ago I watched Luton Town Football Club achieve the impossible by gaining entry into the Premier league via the Play Off finals at Wembley, then the weekend after I attended UK Games Expo at the Birmingham NEC.  I had no idea what to expect as I had only visited Expo once before for a day trip quite a few years ago with the family. This time I was in for the entire weekend.  My Expo buddy was Jon who I play Delta Green with so at least I wouldn’t be Billy no mates.

The Expo gods were watching out for me so despite rail strikes and a slight panic about the hotel I walked into the Expo halls and wandered around on the Friday afternoon, my wallet fearing what may be coming its way as a number of items caught the eye.  I had meant to be playing in a Cthulhu game on the Friday afternoon, but it had got cancelled earlier in the week, which was a shame. During my wanderings around the halls, I managed to find Sir Ian Livingstone who was promoting his new FF book.  I must admit to being a bit star struck and probably thanking him too many times for writing those early FF books and being part of the reason why I got into gaming all those years ago. What a lovely gentleman he is. My disappointment with missing out on the game was assuaged by this encounter, and soon after I met up with members of the Grogsquad.   After having a few too many alcoholic beverages I eventually got back to the hotel just after midnight.

On the Saturday it was shopping in the morning purchasing ‘Cults of Cthulhu’ and ‘Devils Swamp’ (a collection of Cthulhu scenarios). My main aim of getting into the Bring and Buy was thwarted by 1) the queue and 2) it was cash only.  I know there are reasons for it being cash only, but the cash machines I came across in the NEC and Hilton Hotel weren’t working so my plans were scuppered.  No need to worry as after lunch I was running a game of Call of Cthulhu and the excellent scenario ‘Of Sorrow and Clay’.  This would be the last time I run this scenario before I prepare the next scenarios for the coming cons and games for the next few months.

Around lunch time I met up with Cosmic who I have been playing online with for the last few years via RPG Nook so it was nice to actually meet and say hi in person and have a quick chat. I look forward to meeting others from online gaming as time goes on.

Before running the game I attended a seminar on Horror in TTRPGs – the panel were very good and had some good ideas.  I particularly enjoyed learning of the LocusRPG, a game about flawed character, consequences and morality (a future purchase). There was a great idea about using dolls and pins to mimic the damage a PC was taking during the course of a game.  An idea I will definitely be trying out in upcoming face to face games.

I then got over to the Hilton Hotel to get set up for the game – 5 players had been booked in but two were no shows.  The three players I had were fantastic and produced some great roleplaying and interactions with each other and the NPCs. All in all, it went really well and the players enjoyed going through the story.  Of Sorrow and Clay has served me well over recent cons and games. I even managed to get a physical copy of the scenario at the Chaosium stand.

 After that it was back to Hilton Hotel bar to catch up on the FA cup final (City won which pleased my Con buddy for the weekend) and more Grog socialising.  Luckily I stuck to ale and lager (note to Hilton Hotel – next year ensure more ale is available as you ran out half way through the night!) as someone had cast ‘create whisky’ and many members of the grogsquad took part in ensuring the bottle was empty by the end of the night. The discussions were funny, informative and left me thinking how lucky I was to have stumbled across the Grognards podcast and members during the pandemic.

The big debate (or rather drunken slurring) was ‘Is it the GMs fault if a game is bad?’.  Of course its never the GMs fault but many of my fellow gamers were putting forward the case for the players being all innocent and at the mercy of the evil GMs who obviously take delight in ensuring there is a TPK.  Apart from it being fun being the contrarian and taking the opposite view, it is a philosophical problem that can never be resolved - like could Pep Guardiola manage to be as successful with a football team in the conference and get them into the Premiership in under 10years with zero budget (like my team LTFC)?.  We will never know of course as Pep doesn't need to do that. GMs or Players being the problem?  In reality it probably is a bit of both – GMs and players can kill games – but as I am a member of the GMs Union (and the only member) I have to stand up for my members opinions when players make slanderous comments against us in the bar late on a saturday night............😉

In terms of Expo 2024 – next year I’ll definitely be booking in more games to play and run across the Friday and Saturday and taking some cash for the Bring and Buy.

Anyway, I have to go off and find some more scenarios to run at the various Cons that are coming up over the next 6 months – thanks to all those that were at Expo and have played in the games I have ran over the last few cons.  See you again soon and remember Parrying Is For Wimps……….


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