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Its Twilight 2000 but not as we know it………..

 ‘Day by day, I struggle to maintain not only my strength but my sanity. It's all a blur. I have no energy to write. I don't know what's right and what's wrong anymore…….’  Sometimes you come across a game that just appeals to you. It hits you in the gut and shouts ‘play me’. When I saw a fellow Grogsquad member offering a one shot of Twilight 2000 I was intrigued. For a few years I have been playing in a Twilight 2000 campaign (online) and started running a face-to-face campaign at my local gaming club ( Bedford Gladiators – come along if you are nearby!). T2000 is a Free League game (at the moment..) set in the WWIII that never was, it’s a post-apocalyptic world with little in the way cheer and hope. The FL version is the 4e’d. It really is designed for campaign play….. Here’s why…. It seems to be considered quite ‘crunchy’ in comparison to most RPGs nowadays, but for me that is part of the appeal. A key component of the game is its relentless attrition. When pla...
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Grogmeet 2025 pt2 – the Blacksat strikes back and it’s a load of old (Dragonbane) Trolls…..(Spoilers, spoilers and more spoilers)

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Grogmeet 2023 – a right load of heroes, villains and demons……………

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Games Expo 2023 - fun was had by all...except when the Hilton bar ran out of ale!

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All we need is (Grog)love….

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